Latinos Votando

¡Latinos Votando! was created by Meurer Group & Associates’ bicultural, bilingual team based on their recognition that Latino voter turnout methods require a quantum leap in 2024 in order to capitalize on the highest Latino voter registration percentages in US history. 

Respecting and engaging with the enormous diversity within the Latino community is central to our granular messaging, communications and strategy. We accomplish this by going into representative Latino communities and using our proprietary Claritas messaging and strategy process to get an in depth understanding of the community’s transcendent aspirational values. Claritas acts as a tool for guided informal conversations and brainstorming sessions.

No fancy polling. No focus groups. No canned speeches or surveys. We operate at street level talking with every day Latino voters. The goal is not to test different messages or strategies, but to listen. This is the only way to get an intimate understanding of what makes the community tick. This informality is essential to understanding the transcendent aspirational values of the community as articulated by community members themselves.

We work with our clients to determine which communities to engage with. We then spend 3 to 5 days in each community doing Claritas sessions with registered voters. Depending on the size of the target community, the number of sessions and days required may vary. 

The process is intentionally informal.

We refer to this as the BBC model – Barber Shop, Beauty Shop and Coffee Shop. And we are serious. This is where you learn what a community is really about. Because it is fundamentally interpersonal, Claritas is the perfect method for facilitating this learning process.

Our results are formalized and presented to the client in a professional summary report, which includes:

  1. A hierarchy of transcendent community values as articulated by voter residents 
  2. A community manifesto of, by and for the people of the community 
  3. Recurrent themes and messages arising from community members 
  4. Messaging recommendations 
  5. Media recommendations (usually much lower cost than traditional media budgets) 
  6. Strategy recommendations 
  7. Budget implications


Total cost can range from $15,000 to $25,000 and up, depending on the community, the goals of the client and a range of other variables. We require a $2,500 non-refundable retainer to begin work, with follow on payments structured by agreement with the client.

All travel and collateral expenses must be paid in advance by the client upon mutual agreement on reporting requirements, total budget, etc. We do not and cannot front the money out of pocket. Mutual trust has to be at the heart of our business relationship.

This is not a fit for everybody. We can only work with campaigns and/or organizations who share our respect for the best interests of the communities in which we are working, as articulated by community members themselves. 

To begin a conversation about your ¡Latinos Votando! / Claritas project, please use our contact form.

Michael teaching a seminar on US Politics and Campaigns at Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellín, Colombia